Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rocky Mount Weekend

We spent the weekend at Wil's Mom's house out in Rocky Mount. It is about an hour drive through beautiful countryside. North Carolina is like a big a forest and the human dwellings are carved out within it. I first noticed this 'deforestation' from the plane on our way in the first day. It kind of worried me cause with each carving was a new townhouse development coming up. It is kind of like the Million Rand Squatter Camps we call townhouses/security estates back home. It is fun to live in one but the exception is that here they are not gated communities like we have.

Anyway, Rocky Mount is rather peaceful and nice. The houses are well maintained and the gardens to. This is a picture outside the house, Wil's mom takes care of the garden and it looks great.

Now you actually get to see all four of us together and don't we just make an awesome group? Yolanda is from Costa Rica and therefore speaks Spanish, if we were going to spend more time with them, I'm sure we could learn a little more of Spanish too.

Having said that, we then went and had supper at a Mexican restaurant and of course wanting a taste of everything we ordered this meal on the menu, which promised to be a little of everything. So it came to us in two plates and that's just the way it is. The food was god and some of it (beans on Rice, I must teach them ow to make pap!) really tasted like home food.

I can understand why so many people around here struggle with weight issues and how this could be bad for us; but I'll be damned if I let that happen. In the restaurants, you buy a glass of a soft drink and the will just keep it coming and refilling it as you go. Of course they can only do it with soft drinks cause the other stuff; for those of us who take it; it just never fills up the tummy like coke!

On Sunday we went to the church where Wil grew up and it's the church that had helped in collecting the goods for our apartment. The worship was wonderful and free in Spirit. It was good to see a relaxed pastor even when technology failed him; it wasn't the end of the world. "So it happens in America too!" I thought to myself. The pastor delivered a challenging message and the music and all the stuff kinda reminded me of home in West View. I missed their later services, which is apparently a more traditional service, the choir mistress was in robes and playing a grand pipe organ; it rocks man! I still say; whoever thought auditoriums without the pipe organ are a church needs to have their heads screwed on properly, these barren warehouses we sometimes worship in are nothing but a bad remind of 'cotton sortin' factory floors.

Anyway, I must stop now!


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