Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Samke is Sick!

We left home not feeling to great, we were both just recovering from the flu. Samke's took a turn for the worst on Sunday in Rocky Mount and we tried to get some medication but the pharmacist just told us the best would be to see a Doctor. So on Monday I went off to collect my medical insurance card only to discover there was a problem with our registration and so the insurance wasn't confirmed. After a whole day of running around with a certain good Samaritan lady who had cared for me at school from one office door to another. She decided to then take us to the 'urgent care facility' somewhere across town. This is like a clinic for people without medical aid, you just walk in and register and wait for your name to be called.

This lady left us there and went to run her errands, bought us some lunch and left us again. You often forget what these waiting moments can do to your brain and you curse the little blessings that Pharos Medical Scheme for Methodist minister lacks but here at times like this you miss Pharaoh.

Samke was ultimately seen and it was Bronchitis as I had suspected. She was given medication from the samples cause the doctor just thought it might be too much if she gave her a script.

Anyway, the consultation was ultimately $100 (+R700) plus another $15 for medication that didn't have a sample. So I suppose these clinics are not like sober Manto's clinics back home and 'beetroot and garlic should keep the doctor away indeed!'
Sake is feeling much better now and by Tuesday night we were out partying again!!!

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